AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : Track Viewer : View a Tracking Event : Display Two Saved Events
Display Two Saved Events
Perform a keyboard Ctrl+Click to display a second track on the map as shown in Figure: Two Event Log Traces Displayed. The second one will be blue.
Two Event Log Traces Displayed
Merge Tracks
Use this menu command if a continuous flight signal had been temporarily lost but regained in the same flight event. Select the tracking events to combine to view (Ctrl+Click). Click Merge Tracks. The traces displayed in Figure: Two Event Log Traces Displayed merge and the result will appear as the last entry of the track log list and display on the map as shown in Figure: Two Merged Tracks. This can be viewed but will not save. To save, right-click the map area and click Capture Map to Clipboard.
Search and click the last entry in the event log list. This is the merged track entry. The merged tracks will appear as the last trace display on the event log list and as a combined drone flight track on the map.
Two Merged Tracks

1. Merged Track Listed
2. Merged Tracks
There are no limits to the amount of tracks that can be viewed. Figure: Six Merged Tracks shows six tracks selected and viewed.
Six Merged Tracks