AeroShield™ MX280002A RF Drone Detection and Tracking Software : AeroShield Simulator Control : Interferer Configuration
Interferer Configuration
The Simulator’s Interferer Configuration is a user defined interface for setting the Interferer 1 and Interferer 2 parameters as shown in Figure: Interferer Configuration. When the Simulator program is first opened, and no configuration file is saved, the interferer default values appear. Typically, the interferer settings are loaded from the last saved configuration file. For more on user defined settings, see Configure Tracking Bands.
Interferer Configuration
1. Default Settings
2. Loaded Settings
Latitude and Longitude
These are the coordinates of the current emitter segment of the drone flight pattern. The interferer’s latitude and longitude boxes are overwritten each step. You can edit the coordinates to locate the interferer somewhere different than at a location in the emitter list.
Type or enter an altitude level.
Frequency (MHz)
User defined interferer signal frequency.
Bandwidth (kHz)
User defined interferer bandwidth.
Type or enter an amplitude level.
Select Square or Gaussian. Type or select a noise level. The noise setting is used to inject noise into return data for both sweep traces and IQ data. With IQ data, the noise also increases with distance. So as an emitter moves further from the simulated probes, the IQ data (and TDOA results) will get noisier until the signal is dropped and TDOA stops.
Duty Cycle
Type or enter the time occupied by the drone cycle of operation.
Omni Antennas
Click the Omni-Directional Antennas checkbox to radiate all the emitters in all directions equally. If this box is cleared, then the power of the interferer in the return sweep trace from each simulated RSM depends on the direction between the source and interferer.
AM Modulation
Click the check box modulates the amplitude of the interference signal.
Frequency Hopper
A narrow band signal is inserted into the trace that the simulator returns. This narrow band signal will hop from frequency to frequency each time a trace is requested. It is always centered on an integer MHz number. So if you are looking at the 2.4 GHz band, it will be at 2408 MHz, or 2427 MHz, for instance. But never on 2437.4538 MHz. This looks like a drone controller signal. Normally AeroShield works with the video signal back from the drone. This allows AeroShield to simulate the controller signal to the drone.
Start Frequency
The simulator sweep default start frequency.
Stop Frequency
The simulator sweep default stop frequency.
Type the option string that you want the simulators to return when Options are requested via SCPI. This allows the user to test how AeroShield API software will react with or without proper options for a specified task.
Track Restart Delay (sec)
Time delay from the end of the simulator flight pattern to the next start. While the flight pattern is delayed, the simulated drone signal turns off. This simulates the drone turning off. During the delay period, the amplitude turns off. The amplitude turns back on at the start of the next cycle as the simulated drone begins moving. During the 'off' period, the Amplitude checkbox remains checked. The user can bypass the delay by moving the drone off the last point by clicking on any other point.
IQ Download Delay (sec)
To change the return of IQ data, type or enter the delay 1 to 60 seconds.
Signal Editor
Click the Signal Editor label to show the Trace View window. The signal list consists of Default and Custom 1, Custom 2. Additional signals can be added and saved as Custom 3, etc. See RSM Probe List.
Click the Custom 1 through Custom 3 check boxes for additional band settings.