Use the Noise Figure commands to configure and measure noise figure values.
These commands can be used for Noise Figure (Option 41) or for Differential Noise Figure (Option 48) for VNA B2 receiver in a 2-port DUT configuration.
Related subsystems for configuring and measuring noise figure include:
Query only. For the indicated channel, the command starts the noise figure calibration and then outputs the status on the indicated channel. Note that this command is only valid when the VNA is equipped with Option 41 – Noise Figure, and is in noise figure measurement mode. If the command is issued when the instrument is in Transmission/Reflection measurement mode, the command fails and returns a “1”.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
<NR1> 0 | 1
<NR1>, where:
• 0 = Successful completion of the calibration
• 1 = Error in the calibration
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:NFIGure:RMS:POINts <NRf>
For the indicated channel, the command sets the number of RMS (Root Mean Square) measurement points to be used in the noise power computation which sets the number of RMS measurement points for each sweep point. The query returns the number of measurements that were used in the noise power computation. Note that the noise power measurements are for each sweep point. For example, if 3,000 RMS points and 51 sweep points are set, there are then 3,000 measurements for each of the 51 sweep points for a total of 3,000 × 51 = 153,000 total measurements.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
Syntax Example
:CALC1:NFIG:RMS:POINts 3.000000E+003
For the indicated channel, the query returns the standard temperature of 290 K that was used for the cold termination measurements. The IEEE standard temperature definition is 290 K.
Sets the de-embedding network path for the .s2p file used for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel. The query outputs the de-embedding network path for the .s2p file used for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the De-embed state for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel. The query outputs De-embed state for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the Embed Network Path for the for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel. The query outputs the Embed Network Path for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the Embed state for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel. The query outputs the Embed state for noise figure network extraction on the indicated channel.
Turns on/off the state of noise figure receiver cal offset of the indicated channel. The query outputs the on/off state of the noise figure receiver cal offset of the indicated channel