For the indicated channel and trace, the command toggles the marker statistics display on and off. Markers do not need to be turned on to display the statistics data. If the statistics are toggled on, the statistics are determined for the entire sweep range. The three values displayed are Mean (Mean), Standard Deviation (Std Dev), and Peak-to-Peak (P-P), each measured in dB. Markers do not need to be displayed to output the statistics. If the marker statistics are displayed, a label of Stat Range Entire Sweep (Statistics Range - Entire Sweep) appears above the statistic values. The query, for the indicated channel and trace, outputs the marker statistics display on/off state.
Query only. On the indicated channel, for the indicated trace, the query outputs the three marker statistics of the upper display. The statistics are determined for the entire sweep range. The three values output are Mean (Mean), Standard Deviation (Std Dev), and Peak-to-Peak (P-P), each measured in dB. The values are measured for the entire sweep range for the indicated trace. Markers do not need to be on to output (or display) the statistics.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
<NR3>, <NR3>, <NR3> Outputs marker on-screen statistics in units of dB.
Query only. Outputs the marker statistics of the lower display on the given trace of the indicated channel. A dual display trace must be set up before sending the query. The statistics are determined for the entire sweep range. The three values output are Mean (Mean), Standard Deviation (Std Dev), and Peak-to-Peak (P-P), each measured in dB. The values are measured for the entire sweep range for the indicated trace. Markers do not need to be on to output (or display) the statistics.