The :CALCulate{1-16}:PARameter{1-16}:MARKer subsystem commands control the active marker, the discrete marker mode, and whether the markers are displayed.
Marker Subsystems
Related marker configuration, control, and reporting commands are described in the following subsystems:
Query only. The query outputs the number of the active marker on the indicated channel and trace. If there is no active marker, the query returns a 0 (zero). Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker.
The command turns the discrete marker mode on/off on the given trace of the indicated channel. The query outputs the discrete marker mode on/off state on the given trace of the indicated channel.
The command makes the indicated marker the active marker on the indicated channel and trace. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker. No query.
The command enters the frequency, distance, or time value of the indicated marker and turns the marker on. The example below supposes that a point exists at 10.0E6 and is within the predefined frequency range. The query outputs the frequency, distance, or time value of the indicated marker. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is in Hertz, Meters, or Seconds.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is in Hertz, Meters, or Seconds.
The range is user-defined by a start and stop frequency, a start and stop distance, or a start and stop time.
Default Value
For the X-axis, the default is the Minimum Instrument Frequency.
Syntax Example
:CALC1:PAR1:MARK1:X 10.0E6
Query only. The query outputs the response value of the indicated marker. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker. Use the following command to set the display type:
For the indicated channel and trace, the command toggles the indicated marker display on/off. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker.
For the indicated channel and the indicated trace, the query outputs the marker display on/off status of the indicated marker. Markers 1 through 12 are standard measurement markers. Marker 13 is the reference marker.