VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer User Interface Reference : Mixer Setup : ACTIVE CHANNEL Dialog Box – Frequency-Based Sweep
ACTIVE CHANNEL Dialog Box – Frequency-Based Sweep
MAIN | Application | APPLICATION | Mixer | MIXER | Mixer Setup (Active Channel) | MIXER SETUP dialog box | Sweep Type = Freq Sweep (Linear) or Freq Sweep (Log)
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Linear/Log Frequency Sweep – Menu Set
The flowchart below shows the dialogs that are completed using the active channel.
Mixer Setup Dialog Set – Active Channel – Frequency Sweep
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Information Required
Before starting the mixer setup dialogs, have the following information available:
Channel number of the active channel
Type of sweep
Port and external source assignments for RF, IF, and LO.
RF as input or RF as output.
Frequency range or CW setting for RF, IF, and LO.
If RF is input, conversion to be used for IF:
IF = RF - LO which is down conversion with Upper Sideband (USB).
IF = LO - RF which is down conversion with Lower Sideband (LSB).
IF = RF + LO which is up conversion.
If RF is output, conversion to be used for IF:
RF = IF + LO which is up conversion.
RF = LO - IF which is down conversion with Lower Sideband (LSB).
RF = IF - RF which is down conversion with Upper Sideband (USB).
If RF is input, power setting for:
Power for Port 1 RF in dBm.
Power for External Source LO in dBm.
If RF is output, power setting for:
Power for Port 1 IF in dBm.
Power for External Source LO in dBm.
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Procedure
1. Navigate to the APPLICATION menu and select the Mixer Setup (Single-Channel) button.
MAIN | Application | APPLICATION | Mixer | MIXER | Mixer Setup (Single Channel)
2. The MIXER SETUP dialog appears as shown below.
MIXER SETUP ACTIVE CHANNEL Dialog Box – 2-Port Frequency Sweep – Control Locations (1 of 2)
2. Sweep Type Setting – Freq Sweep (Linear), Freq (Log), or Power Sweep (CW Freq).
3. Reverse IF and RF – Default is RF as input, and IF as output. Reverse sets IF as input and RF as output.
4. Modular BB Selections – Only for MS4647B VNAs with Option 8x and ME7838 Series peripheral equipment. Note: All selections are dependent on installed options and model number.
5. Configure Port Assignments – Each must be unique selecting from None, Port 1, Port 2, (and Port 3 or Port 4 for 4-port VNA), External Sources 1 through 4 (LO Port also has Source 1 or Source 2 available when Option 31 Dual Source Architecture is present).
6. Mixer Schematic – Updates automatically with port assignments, frequency settings, and power levels.
7. X-Axis Display Options – Select from RF, IF, or LO.
8. Num Point (Number of Sweep Points) – Sets the number of sweep points. Shows this setting on the FREQUENCY menu.
9. Set Frequency Button – Select displays the SET FREQUENCY (FREQUENCY SWEEP) dialog.
10. Set Power Levels Button – Select displays the SET POWERS (FREQUENCY SWEEP) dialog.
11. Import Channel Setup Button – Select imports the active channel settings into the dialogs.
12. Dialog Completion Buttons
Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Initial Configuration
3. In the Sweep Type area at the left top of the dialog, set the sweep type for Freq Sweep (Linear) or Freq Sweep (Log).
If the Sweep Type is set to Power Sweep (CW Freq), the dialog changes.
See ACTIVE CHANNEL Dialog Box – Power-Based Sweep.
4. At the top right of the dialog, make a selection from the Modular BB drop down list.
Modular BB: Select opens drop down list for selecting various broadband types. This requires using the VectorStar ME7838 Series Broadband/mmWave system with the 3739x BB/mmWave Test Set and two 3743x or MA25x00A mmWave Modules. This is only used on MS4647B VNAs equipped with Option 8x.
5. At the top right of the dialog, select Reverse IF and RF check boxes (if required). The Reverse IF and RF check box changes the input/output assignments for the RF and IF mixer ports.
The default non-selected check box is RF as input on Port 1 and IF as output on Port 2.
If selected, the RF is set as output on Port 1 and IF as input on Port 2.
In Figure: Standard and Reversed IF and RF Ports below, the standard and reversed RF/IF port assignments are shown.
Standard and Reversed IF and RF Ports
At top left, the standard port assignments of RF on Port 1 as input and IF on Port 2 as output.
At bottom right, reversed port assignments of IF on Port 2 and input and RF on Port 1 as output.
Figure: Mixer Settings – 4-port for mixer measurements illustrates the mixer settings for a 4-port VNA: Port 1 and 4 being used as RF and LO respectively, with port 2 as IF.
Mixer Settings – 4-port for mixer measurements
Port 1 and 4 being used as RF and LO respectively, with port 2 as IF.
Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Configure Ports
6. In the Configure Ports area, set the port assignment for the RF, IF, and LO.
The default assignments are Port 1 = RF, Port 2 = IF, and an External Source 1 = LO.
The port and external source assignments must be unique.
The assignment options for RF, IF, and LO are:
Port 1
Port 2
Port 3 (4-port VNA)
Port 4 (4-port VNA)
External Source (Src) 1
External Src 2
External Src 3
External Src 4
Source 1 (with Option 31 Dual Source Architecture installed)
Source 2 (with Option 31 Dual Source Architecture installed)
The changes above are shown in the mixer schematic in the center of the dialog.
Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Configure X-Axis Display and Number of Points
7. Set the X-Axis display to the required parameter as required. The default is RF.
Options are RF, IF, or LO.
8. Set the Number of Points (Num Points) for the X-Axis display.
The initial value is taken from the setting on the FREQUENCY menu and the # of Points button.
The FREQUENCY menu and MIXER dialog settings are coupled. A change on one affects the other.
Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Set Frequency for RF, IF, and LO
9. In the Define Mixer Measurements area at the bottom of the dialog box, select the Set Frequency button. The SET FREQUENCY [FREQUENCY SWEEP] or [LOG FREQUENCY SWEEP] dialog appears as shown below in Figure: SET FREQUENCY (FREQUENCY SWEEP) Dialog Box – Control Areas (1 of 2).
10. The mixer schematic drawing shows the current settings for the RF, IF, and LO ports.
SET FREQUENCY (FREQUENCY SWEEP) Dialog Box – Control Areas (1 of 2)
1. Frequency input field toolbar. The label changes depending whether RF, IF, or LO are selected.
2. RF Frequency mode and value area.
3. LO Frequency mode and value area.
4. IF Frequency mode and value area.
5. Mode set as Swept. Any combination of the RF, IF, and LO ports can be set as Swept. When selected, Start and Stop Frequency fields appear.
6. Mode set as Fixed. Any combination of the RF, IF, and LO ports can be set as Fixed. When selected, a CW Frequency field appears.
7. Mode set as Auto. Only one of the three ports can be set as Auto. If selected, the instrument determines the frequency settings based on the other two values and the Conversion type setting and is displayed in the mixer schematic absent of a frequency label (as shown in the illustration above).
8. Harmonic LO:
The harmonic LO entry allows one to describe any frequency multiplication and/or division that may be present between the synthesizer providing the LO signal and the DUT’s fundamental frequency converter. This entry can also be used when the DUT is a harmonic mixer or sampler that has implicit frequency multiplication in the LO path.
Note: A label showing the Harmonic LO ratio is displayed at the mixer schematic LO port when multiplier/divisor (M/N) ratio is not equal to 1.
9. Conversion setting. Changes based on whether RF is input or output.
Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Set RF, LO, and IF Frequency Mode and Value
11. In the middle of the dialog box are separate control areas for RF Frequency, LO Frequency, and IF Frequency.
12. For each control area, set the frequency mode.
The frequency options are Swept, Fixed, or Auto.
Any combination of Swept or Fixed can be assigned to the RF, IF, and LO ports.
Only one port can be configured as Auto. In this configuration, the instrument calculates the required frequency based on the conversion setting selected in the Conversion area at the bottom of the dialog box and the settings on the other two ports.
Each Frequency Mode selection provides different control immediately below in the next area.
In the figure above, RF Frequency is set as Swept, LO Frequency is set as Fixed, and IF Frequency is set as Auto.
13. If the RF, IF, and/or LO Frequency Mode is set as Swept:
The Swept Frequency area appears with controls for Start Frequency and Stop Frequency.
Select the Start Frequency field, and at the top of the dialog in the field toolbar, enter the required starting frequency and required units from GHz, MHz, kHz, or Hz.
Note that the field toolbar name changes depending on whether RF, IF, or LO is selected.
14. If the RF, IF, and/or LO Frequency Mode is set as Fixed:
The Fixed Frequency area appears with a single control for CW Frequency.
Select the CW field and enter the required CW frequency and required units.
15. If the RF, IF, or LO Frequency Mode is set as Auto:
No frequency assignment fields are available.
The frequency is calculated based on the settings for the other two mixer ports and the settings in the Conversion area described below.
Only one mixer port can be assigned as Auto.
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Set Frequency – Harmonic LO
The harmonic LO entry allows one to describe any frequency multiplication and/or division that may be present between the synthesizer providing the LO signal and the DUT’s fundamental frequency converter. This entry can also be used when the DUT is a harmonic mixer or sampler that has implicit frequency multiplication in the LO path.
16. Set the Harmonic LO multiplier/divisor ratio. A label showing the Harmonic LO ratio is displayed at the mixer schematic LO port when multiplier/divisor (M/N) ratio is not equal to 1.
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Set the Conversion Required
17. Near the bottom of the dialog is the Conversion area.
18. Select button for the conversion type required from available options:
If RF is input:
IF = RF - LO which is down conversion with Upper SideBand (USB).
IF = LO - RF which is down conversion with Lower Side Band (LSB).
IF = RF + LO which is up conversion.
If RF is output:
RF = IF + LO which is up conversion.
RF = LO - IF which is down conversion with Lower Side Band (LSB).
RF = IF - LO which is down conversion with Upper Side Band (USB).
19. When all settings are complete, select the OK button to return to the mixer setup central control dialog.
The MIXER SETUP [FREQUENCY SWEEP] OR [LOG SWEEP] dialog reappears as shown in Figure: MIXER SETUP ACTIVE CHANNEL Dialog Box – 2-Port Frequency Sweep – Control Locations (1 of 2).
If any setting is out of range, a warning dialog appears with an error message such as Invalid Frequency Range or Equation Out of Range. Correct the problem as required.
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Set the Power Levels
20. Select the Set Power Levels button in the bottom center of the dialog box.
The SET POWERS [FREQUENCY SWEEP] or [LOG SWEEP] dialog appears as shown below in Figure: SET POWERS (FREQUENCY SWEEP) Dialog Box – Control Areas.
SET POWERS (FREQUENCY SWEEP) Dialog Box – Control Areas
1. SET POWERS (FREQUENCY SWEEP) Dialog Box – The LOG SWEEP version is identical.
2. Mixer Schematic – Port assignments and power levels are updated automatically.
3. RF Power (dBm) input field.
4. LO Power (dBm) input field.
5. Dialog box control buttons.
21. Enter the required RF Power level in dBm in the provided field.
Note that the power setting appears on the Mixer Schematic and also in the VNA POWER menu.
22. Enter the required LO Power level in dBm.
23. When all settings are complete, select the OK button to return to the main mixer control dialog box.
The MIXER SETUP (FREQUENCY SWEEP) or (LOG SWEEP) dialog reappears.
Mixer Setup – Active Channel – Frequency Sweep – Import Channel Setup
24. The final single channel setup is to import the current channel settings.
25. Select the Import Channel Setup button as shown above in Figure: MIXER SETUP ACTIVE CHANNEL Dialog Box – 2-Port Frequency Sweep – Control Locations (1 of 2). The ACTIVE CHANNEL SETUP IMPORTED dialog appears and confirms in configuration import as shown below in Figure: ACTIVE CHANNEL SETUP IMPORTED Dialog Box.
26. With all settings correct and as required, select the Done button on the MIXER SETUP dialog.
27. A dialog report appears as shown below. If a power cal is started, the window in Figure: POWER CALIBRATION (PORT 1) Dialog appears.
SUCCESS Message with Required Calibration
28. Follow the instructions provided in the dialog to complete the Power Calibration. On completion of this cal, the message shown in Figure: POWER CAL Completed Message appears.
29. Clicking OK on the Power Cal Completed message takes the user to the Manual Cal menu (see MANUAL CAL Menu – 2-Port VNAs), where Receiver Cal Normalization and Enhanced Match selections are made available.
POWER CAL Completed Message
30. The mixer configuration process is complete.