Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Finding Known Transmitter Details : Finding the Known Transmitter Location
Finding the Known Transmitter Location
Once the signal appears on the Spectrum Monitor Screen, the known transmitter details can be determined.
1. Move the pointer over the known transmitter signal on the screen.
2. Click over the signal.
A Known Transmitter Details pop-up will appear.
3. View the details displayed on the Known Transmission pop-up. Refer to Figure: Known Transmitter Details.
Known Transmitter Details
The information in the Known Transmission Details pop-up window includes:
Viewing the Known Transmitter Location
To view the Known Transmitter location on the Geo-Map:
1. Click the three-dot-menu on the Task Bar. For more on the three-dot-menu, see Three Dot Menu.
2. Click Probe Map
The Google Geo Map will open in the center of the left-side column. A balloon locater will appear on the map identifying the location of the transmitting signal. See Step 6 of Figure: Vision Trace Monitor User Interface.
The coordinates identified in the Known Transmitter Details dialog therefore locate the Transmitting signal on the Geo map.