Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Vision Monitor Status Panel
Vision Monitor Status Panel
The Status Panel provides setup and status fields. Refer to Figure: Status Panel.
Status Panel
1. Measurement Configuration Field
2. Three-Dot-Menu
3. Active Limit Line Mask Button
4. Mask Editor Button
5. Apply Mask to Selected Channel Button
6. Trace Mode Sub-menu Button
Measurement Configuration
Measurement Configuration contains the setup parameters of the spectrum monitor in the field. To change the parameters of the Status Panel, check the Unlock sweep parameters check box. If desired, they can be changed in their respective edit boxes.
The maximum frequency setting Vision provides is the maximum allowed on the measuring instrument up to 54 GHz. Vision does not verify the maximum input frequency range of the measuring instrument.
Start Frequency
The active trace start frequency. Enter Channel start frequency. Press “k” (kHz), “M” (MHz) or “G” (GHz). Range is 9 kHz to maximum range of measuring instrument up to 54 GHz.
Stop Frequency
The active trace stop frequency. Enter Channel stop frequency. Press “k” (kHz), “M” (MHz) or “G” (GHz). Range is 9 kHz to maximum range of measuring instrument up to 54 GHz.
The active trace resolution bandwidth.
The active trace video bandwidth setting.
Reference Level
The active trace reference level.
Ref. Level Offset
The active trace reference level offset.
Trace Points
The active trace points setting.
Sweep Timeout
Sets the wait time for this channel when Vision Acquire determines the probe is non-responsive.
Check to toggle Preamp to active status for current channel.
Check to toggle FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to active status for current channel.
Pass Rate
The total number of traces in the channels, the number of traces that passed, and the pass percentage.
Last Sweep
Date and time of the last sweep.
Last Fail
Date and time of the last trace that failed.
The direction of the antennae in relation to north.
The center frequency of the transmission band. This Frequency window highlights yellow when the frequency is not within the Start and Stop frequency range as shown in Figure: Highlighted Frequency Window.
Highlighted Frequency Window
From the Mask list, click a limit line mask. Includes “Limit Line Editor” and “Apply Mask to Selected Channel” icons. For a more detailed description of these Mask features, see Setting up a Mask.
Trace Mode
From the Mask list, click active limit line mask. See Trace Mode.
Trace Count
In the Trace Count box, enter the trace count when Rolling Min Hold or Rolling Max Hold is selected from the Trace Mode list.
Channel cable loss
Type the channel cable loss. This value sets the cable loss (in dB) for this channel. This value will be subtracted from the measured values.
Channel delay
Type the channel delay. This value sets the wait time for this channel before Vision Acquire determines the probe non-responsive.