Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : File Viewer : Outdoor Frequency Coverage Mapping Example : Display Results
Display Results
Use Vision File Viewer to display your results.
Start the Vision File Viewer: All Program > Anritsu > Vision Tools > File Viewer
Load the previously saved Channel Power Measurement File (*.CPM). The file is usually available in the following file directory: C:\Users\.....\Documents\Anritsu Log Files\*.cpm
Note: All Vision software options must also be enabled in the target receiver hardware device.
Figure: Example of Recorded Results shows an example of the displayed measurement results. On the left side are the recorded frequencies, the used receiver antenna port, and the number of successfully saved data files. The split screen shows the spectrum trace in the top view and the corresponding spectrogram in the bottom view.
Example of Recorded Results
Click the Breadcrumbs Map from the menu bar to view the mapped results path. See Figure: Breadcrumbs Icon.
Breadcrumbs Icon
Each time you select a frequency, the corresponding trace will appear and the Breadcrumb Map will display the coverage mapping results in different colors as shown in Figure: Mapped Measurement Results. The corresponding power levels are given on the right side of the map. This display requires an active Internet connection because Google® Maps is used as the base map.
Mapped Measurement Results