MX280005A Vector Signal Analysis Software Help : Basic Operation : File List Tab : File List Toolbar
File List Toolbar
The File List toolbar is shown below.
IQ Capture Settings
Data Folder
Select data folder. Hover the mouse over the icon to display the tooltip specifying the file data location.
Explore Folder
Explore a data folder. Hover the mouse over the icon to display the tooltip specifying the file data location.
Show Files
Shows the files on a local PC. Hover the mouse over the icon to display the tooltip to show files on local PC.
Show Remote Files
Shows files on a remote instruments.
Delete all files in folder. The File Delete button will not delete empty folders unless the user sets the option Automatically remove empty folders when deleting files in the Settings and Options dialog.
Refresh File List.
File Count
Displays the number of files displayed in the file catalog list.
File List Catalog
Provides a catalog list of a User selected folder of modulation signal files. Click a signed file open and analyze the modulation data.
Quick View
Click a file from the filename list to display a quick view of the modulated IQ signal. Use this feature to view the signal as acceptable or needs to be reworked. Right-click the IQ data quick view to display the menu shown in Figure: IQ File Context Menu.
IQ File Context Menu
Data Description: Displays Context menu as shown below.
Copy Image to Clipboard: Copy the image to display in a graphics editor or save.
Export to CSV: Export the image as a .csv file.
Signed/Unsigned Indicator
Red: Indicates the selected file from the file list catalog is unsigned. The data file is not valid for analysis. The data must be captured on an Anritsu instrument with Option 0128.
Green: Indicates the selected file from the file list catalog is signed.