VectorStar™ MS464xB Series Microwave Vector Network Analyzer Calibration and Measurement Guide : Calibration and Measurement Enhancements
Calibration and Measurement Enhancements
Chapter Overview
Embedding/De-embedding (E/DE)
Embedding Tasks
De-Embedding Tasks
Embedding On/Off Control
Types of E/DE Networks
Entry Mode for Resistive Elements
Entry Mode for Transmission Lines
Entry Mode for S2P Defined File-Based Networks
Saving and Recalling Embedding Network Configuration
Reference Plane Control
Reference Plane Menu
Auto Button Functions
Reference Plane Loss
Impedance Transformation
Processing Order
Reference Plane Processing Sequence
Group Delay Processing Sequence
Chapter Overview
This chapter provides a description of functions that provide additional calibration, post-processing, and display options that increase the usefulness of the instrument data. The topics described include: embedding/de-embedding, reference-plane control and modification, and impedance transformations.
A number of functions are provided beyond the basic calibration and display tools to help post-process the data in a way that is useful. The topics described relate to virtually modifying the environment in which the DUT resides.
These topics include:
Embedding/De-embedding (E/DE)
This is the virtual removal or insertion of networks or circuits around a DUT that may represent fixtures, launching structures, tuning elements, or other items. E/DE sub-topics are:
Reference Plane Control
This can be thought of as a simpler subset of de-embedding in which transmission line lengths and loss are removed from the measured data. Reference Plane sub-topics are:
Impedance Transformation
When calibration components are not available in impedances other than 50 ohms, it is possible to view the data as if the VNA had been calibrated in some other impedance.
In addition, there are some clerical tasks to describe including the order of virtual operations and some conversions to other parameter formats (impedances and admittances for example). The measurements menu that contains the majority of these functions is shown in Figure: REFERENCE PLANE Control Menu. Parameter conversions are a per-trace function (as opposed to the others which are per channel) and is listed under the DISPLAY menu.
The MEASUREMENT Menu Set (1 of 2)
Use menus #1, #3, #4, and #5 for Embedding/De-embedding.
2. IMPED. TRANSF. menu—Impedance Transformation
5. EMBEDDING menu.