The :CALCulate{1-16}:UFEXtraction:PLOCalized subsystem commands provide configuration control and execution for Phase-localized network extraction functions. The Universal Fixture Extraction option (Option 021) is required for the :CALCulate{1-16}:UFEXtraction commands.
Calibration Option Subsystems
Related calibration option configuration and control subsystems are:
Performs phase-localized extraction of the indicated type (D, F, G, or G High Crosstalk) on the indicated channel.
No query.
At a minimum, the following commands must be sent before performing phase-localized network extraction. This assumes the appropriate cal has been completed and is on.
Sets whether the reflect control type should be set to automatic or manual for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, or G) on the indicated channel. This controls whether the total fixture length will be apportioned automatically between sides of the fixture or whether those values should be assigned manually. This is useful for asymmetric fixtures.
Returns whether the reflect control type is set to automatic or manual for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, or G) on the indicated channel.
Sets the low frequency value of reflection for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, G, or GCT) on the indicated channel.
Returns the low frequency value of reflection for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, or G) on the indicated channel.
Sets the offset length of the reflect standard for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, G, or GCT} on the indicated channel.
Returns the offset length of the reflect standard for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, G, or GCT} on the indicated channel.
Sets the Reflect configuration type to either Reflect or S1P for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, or G} on the indicated channel.
Returns the Reflect configuration type to either Reflect or S1P for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, or G} on the indicated channel.
Sets the type of standard type (Thru or Reflect) to use for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, or G} on the indicated channel.
Returns the standard type selected to use for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, or G} on the indicated channel.
Sets the magnitude of the thru standard for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, or G} on the indicated channel. Usually between 0 and 1. A positive real.
Returns the magnitude of the thru standard for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, or G} on the indicated channel.
Sets the thru configuration type (Thru or S2P) for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, or G) on the indicated channel.
This command will update the .s2p file location if issued while the dialog is open.
Returns the thru configuration type (Thru or S2P) for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, or G) on the indicated channel.
Sets the new impedance value to be used for the phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, G, or GCT} on the indicated channel. This value will be used if the :Z0:REFerence state is set to off.
Returns the defined impedance value to be used for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type {D, F, G, or GCT} on the indicated channel.
Sets whether to use the current reference impedance for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, G, or GCT) on the indicated channel.
Returns whether the current reference impedance should be used for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated type (D, F, G, or GCT) on the indicated channel.
Turns on/off the selection to neglect fixture match terms for phase-localized Network Extraction of the indicated type {D,F, G, or GCTalk} for the indicated channel.
Returns the on/off status of the selection to neglect fixture match terms for phase-localized Network Extraction of the indicated type {D, F, G, or GCTalk} Network Extraction for the indicated channel.
Sets dominant path for phase-localized Type F, Type G, or G High Crosstalk Network Extraction on the indicated channel. The dominant path and its partner (e.g., 1-2 implies 3-4 is also dominant) are the low insertion loss paths of the fixture and the ports between which any internal thru standard would be connected.
Returns dominant path for phase-localized Type F, Type G, or G High Crosstalk Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Assigns the port pair to use for phase-localized extraction Type D on the indicated channel. This command is only used when performing Phase-Localized D on a 4-port VNA instrument.
Returns the port pair selected to use for phase-localized extraction D on the indicated channel.
Sets the Port selection to use for phase-localized network extraction Type D on the indicated channel. It is not necessary to solve for both sides of the fixture when using a reflect standard. This command indicates which side (or both) to solve for.
Returns the Port selection to use for phase-localized network extraction Type D on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> FPORt | SPORt |BOTH
FPORt denotes first port and SPORt denotes the second port. The meaning is obvious for two port systems, but in four port systems, these refer to the first and second ports of the pair that the user selected. If BOTH is selected, both ports of the fixture will be solved for and two .s2p file names must be provided and the reflect standard must be connected to both sides of the fixture simultaneously when network extraction is performed.
Sets the estimated total fixture delay for phase-localized Type F on the indicated channel. Total Fixture Delay1 is for the 1st dominant port pair and Total Fixture Delay2 is for the second port pair.
Returns the total estimated fixture delay for phase-localized Type F on the indicated channel.
Sets file port assignment to use when saving the second S4P file in phase-localized G Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
FIRST denotes using the assignment of the first file while CURRent denotes using the current global port assignment (difference is a swap within dominant pairs).
Returns file port assignment in phase-localized G Network Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the Port selection to use for phase-localized network extraction Type G on the indicated channel. It is not necessary to solve for both sides of the fixture when using a reflect standard. This command indicates which side (or both) to solve for.
Returns the Port selection to use for phase-localized network extraction Type G on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> FPORt | SPORt |BOTH
FPORt denotes first port and SPORt denotes the second port. The meaning is obvious for two port systems, but in four port systems, these refer to the first and second ports of the pair that the user selected. If BOTH is selected, both ports of the fixture will be solved for and two .s2p file names must be provided and the reflect standard must be connected to both sides of the fixture simultaneously when network extraction is performed.
Sets the estimated total fixture delay for phase-localized Type G or G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel. Note that 0 entry triggers auto-estimation.
Returns the total estimated fixture delay for phase-localized Type G or G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel
Sets the file path location to output the S4P for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
Returns the file path location to output the S4P for phase-localized network extraction of the indicated Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<string> Filename and path in the form: 'x:\directory\filename.s4p', where x:\directory must exist.
Sets the fixed value of the reflection coefficients for the indicated port for phase-localized network extraction of the Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
These are the neighbor-pair terminating reflections with ports 1 and 2 defined to be on the outer plane (port 1 closest to the primary pair) and ports 3 and 4 defined to be on the inner plane (port 3 closest to the primary pair).
Returns the fixed value of the reflection coefficients for the indicated port for phase-localized network extraction of the Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
Sets the .s1p file path location as the reflection coefficients for the indicated port for phase-localized network extraction of the Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
These are the neighbor-pair terminating reflections with ports 1 and 2 defined to be on the outer plane (port 1 closest to the primary pair) and ports 3 and 4 defined to be on the inner plane (port 3 closest to the primary pair).
Returns the .s1p file path location as the reflection coefficients for the indicated port for phase-localized network extraction of the Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<string> Filename and path in the form: 'x:\directory\filename.s1p', where x:\directory must exist.
Sets the state of whether to use the previous network measurement in the Network extraction measurement for the for Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
If ON, an existing .s8p file stored on the instrument hard disk (in a pre-defined location) describing the primary pair plus its neighbor will be used in lieu of new measurement data and a new set of sweeps will not be triggered. This can be used to create extraction files for the same setup but with different terminating reflections on the neighbor pair.
Returns the state of whether to use the previous network measurement in the Network extraction measurement for the Type G High Crosstalk on the indicated channel.
Sets the file path of the S1P for the Reflect to be used in phase-localized D (or F or G or G High Crosstalk) Network extraction on the indicated channel.
Writing this SCPI command while the dialog is open will cause the radio button to update in real time.
Returns the S1P file path for the Reflect for phase-localized D (or F or G or G High Crosstalk) Network Extraction on the indicated channel.