The :CALCulate{1-16}:UFEXtraction:SEQuential subsystem commands provide configuration control and execution for Sequential (Peeling) network extraction functions. The Universal Fixture Extraction option (Option 021) is required for the :CALCulate{1-16}:UFEXtraction commands.
Calibration Option Subsystems
Related calibration option configuration and control subsystems are:
Performs Sequential Extraction on the indicated channel.
No query.
At a minimum, the following commands must be sent before performing Sequential network extraction. This assumes that an active cal that contains the appropriate reflection parameter chosen is present and is on.
Assigns the reflection parameter to be used in the defect isolation for Sequential Extraction on the indicated channel. Note that 0 entry triggers auto-estimation.
The selection available is dependent on the number of VNA ports. The use of mixed mode parameters (SDDxx) is only valid if a full term cal is present and the port pair of the selected mixed-mode parameter is included in the cal.
Returns the selected reflection parameter to be used for the defect isolation in Sequential Extraction on the indicated channel.
Sets the file path location to output the S2P for Sequential Extraction on the indicated channel. This will be used if non-mixed mode is selected for reflect parameter (S11, S22, S33, S44).
Sets the file path location to output the S4P for Sequential Extraction on the indicated channel. This will be used if mixed mode is selected for reflect parameter (SDD12, SDD13, SDD14, SDD23, SDD24, SDD34 in the 4-port case, or SDD in the 2-port case).