Vision™ MX280001A Spectrum Monitoring Application Software : Vision Trace Monitor (Option 400) : Vision Monitor Status Panel : Channel Info Tab
Channel Info Tab
Clicking the Channel Info tab provides the following fields as shown in Figure: Signal ID File Tab. PoA on the Channel Info tab page will use the time of the current trace if the user has scrolled back. If the user has not scrolled back, it will look for the maximum power at the set frequency over the most recent 30 traces in order to get the best results. The PoA under the Channel Info tab page in Vision Monitor assumes omni-directional antennas and does not do a search to optimize sectors. The Channel Info PoA has no setup and provides a search result estimate only. For a more sophisticated method for obtaining optimum search results, refer to PoA Settings and Control.
Signal ID File Tab
Frequency, Bandwidth, and Chnl Power (Channel Power)
Displays the selected signal parameters.
AM Modulation and FM deviation
Click for AM Modulation measurement on Live signal.
(Requires Option 479)
FM Deviation
Click for FM Deviation measurement on Live signal. (Requires Option 479)
PoA Location Estimate
Click for Power Of Arrival measurement result. (Assumes Omni antennas)
TDOA Location Estimate
Click for TDOA measurement result.
(Will open Locator window and perform measurements)
Frequency and Bandwidth
Click to load a known transmitter list.
A list must be previously loaded in order to display a known transmitter location in this field. For more detail on loading a “Known Transmitter” file, see the Loading the Known Transmitter (.lst) File.