Open Track Viewer from the start-up menu to view the recent tracking event that has been illustrated in this section. The map view displayed in
Figure: Track Viewer shows the Simulator program tracking event in its entirety.
In this sections example, shown in
Figure: Track Viewer, the Simulator’s tracking event is the last tracking event recorded and appears last in the tracking event log. The tracking event continued to run for over twenty-one minutes as can be viewed in the Track Viewer’s tracking log highlighted blue entry. In the map viewer, all the tracking activity has been captured. The tracking uncertainty is a result of the simulator flight pattern ending and another starting. The tracks inside the loop show a poor track pattern because the track points and smoothing were maximized by viewing the previous sweeps. The outside loop and track points that follow it are a result of an optimized tracking adjustments that were setup using the Simulator’s Track Points menu and the AeroShield Tracking Points menu.