The :CALCulate{1-16}:REFerence subsystem commands configure various parameters related to the reference plane in line types such as coaxial, microstrip, and waveguides.
Calibration Setup Subsystems
These subsystems are used during various phases of calibration configuration setup:
The query outputs the reference plane extension coaxial line dielectric value on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is a unitless number.
Default Value
Syntax Example
:CALCulate{1-16}:REFerence:EXTension:LINE <char>
The command sets the reference plane extension line type on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters. The query outputs the reference plane extension line type on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension microstrip substrate dielectric value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plane extension microstrip substrate dielectric value on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension microstrip effective dielectric value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plan extension microstrip effective dielectric value on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension microstrip substrate thickness on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plane extension microstrip substrate thickness on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension microstrip width on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plane extension microstrip width on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension microstrip impedance on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plane extension microstrip impedance on the indicated channel.
The command calculates and applies the reference plane extension delay for the indicated port on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-port VNA instrument. No query.
The command sets the reference plane extension distance in meters for the indicated port on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-port VNA instrument. The query outputs the reference plane extension distance in meters for the indicated port on the indicated channel.
The command sets the frequency dependent exponent (the power of the frequency dependence of the loss that will be assumed) for the indicated channel and port. Values are usually between 0.01 to 10)
The query gets frequency dependent exponent for the indicated channel and port.
The command sets the frequency dependent reference frequency for the indicated channel and port. This is the frequency at which loss occurs, 0 denotes constant loss.
The query gets frequency dependent reference frequency for the indicated channel and port.
The command turns on/off the status of the mismatch suppression for reference plane for the indicated channel and port. When on, ensures that even on mismatch ripple peaks, the result will not show gain.
The query outputs the on/off status of the mismatch suppression for reference plane for the indicated channel and port.
The command sets the reference plane extension loss in dB for the indicated port on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-port VNA instrument. The query outputs the reference plane extension loss in dB for the indicated port on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension phase offset in degrees for the indicated port on the indicated channel. The allowable range is -360 degrees to +360 degrees. If the -360 value is exceeded, the instrument truncates the input to -360; if the +360 value is exceeded, the instrument truncates the input to +360. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-port VNA instrument. The query outputs the reference plane extension phase offset in degrees for the indicated port on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension in time in seconds for the indicated port on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 or Port 4 requires a 4-port VNA instrument. The query outputs the reference plane extension in time in seconds for the indicated port on the indicated channel.
The command sets the reference plane extension waveguide dielectric value on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plane extension waveguide dielectric value on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters.
The command sets the reference plane extension waveguide cutoff frequency on the indicated channel. The query outputs the reference plane extension waveguide cutoff frequency on the indicated channel. See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their Command Parameters.