The :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect subsystem commands start an actual calibration and are limited to Port1 and/or Port 2. Both 2-port and 4-port VNA instruments can use these commands.
Calibration Setup Subsystems
These subsystems are used during various phases of calibration configuration setup:
These commands are similar to those in the :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect[:CALa]:PORT Subsystem above where any port pair on a 2-port or 4-port VNA can be specified.
Related calibration types use the same command structure of:
where the calibration XXXXX type is one of the following:
• 1P2PF = One-path two-port calibration, forward direction
• 1P2PR = One path two port calibration, reverse direction
• FULL1 = Full one port calibration
• FULL2 = Full two port calibration
• FULLB = Full one port reflection calibration, both ports
• RESP1 = One port response calibration
• RESPB = One port response calibration, both ports
• TFRB = Transmission frequency response calibration, both directions
• TFRF = Transmission frequency response calibration, forward direction
• TFRR = Transmission frequency response calibration, reverse direction
Each calibration type command is described in greater detail in the following sections. Related to the calibration commands are calibration simulation commands in the general form of :SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COEFFicient:XXXXX that use the same abbreviations above.
To query the state of this calibration command, use:
To simulate this calibration, use the following command with the appropriate abbreviation above:
Selects One-Path 2-Port Forward calibration (1P2PF) as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this calibration command, use:
Selects One-Path 2-Port Reverse calibration (1P2PR) as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Sets the thru type to be used for AutoCal CALa calibration on the indicated channel. The query outputs the thru type to be used for AutoCal CALa calibration on the indicated channel.
Sets the thru type to be used for AutoCal CALB calibration on the indicated channel. The query outputs the thru type to be used for AutoCal CALB calibration on the indicated channel.
Toggles the True Source Match flag in an Enhanced Match Calibration on the indicated channel. The query returns the on/off state of the True Source Match flag in an Enhanced Match Calibration on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> 1 | 0 | ON | OFF
Query Parameters
Query Output:
<char> 1 | 0
Syntax Example
Selects full one port reflection calibration as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. Before sending this command, the simulation port must be specified using:
Selects full two port calibration as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Select full one port reflection calibration both ports as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Sets the Hybrid Enhanced Match output adapter type on the indicated channel. The query returns the Hybrid Enhanced Match output adapter type for the indicated channel.
Toggles the on/off the state of reversing the directional sense of the S2P file on the indicated channel. The query returns the on/off state of reversing the directional sense of the S2P file for the indicated channel.
Sets the dielectric type of the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine model on the indicated channel. The query returns the dielectric type of the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine model for the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> AIR | MICROporous | OTHER | POLYethylene | TEFLON
Sets the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine reference frequency on the indicated channel. The query returns the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine reference frequency for the indicated channel.
Sets the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine impedance on the indicated channel. The query returns the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine impedance for the indicated channel.
Sets the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine electrical length on the indicated channel. The query returns the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine electrical length for the indicated channel.
Sets the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine dielectric value for the OTHER dielectric type on the indicated channel. The query returns the Hybrid Enhanced Match TLine dielectric value for the OTHER dielectric type for the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<NRf> The input parameter is a unitless number.
Query Parameters
<NR3> The output parameter is a unitless number.
1 to 9.99E3
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:LINE <char>
Select the line type for calibration of the indicated channel.
Outputs the line type for calibration of the indicated channel.
See Calibration Component Parameters for a complete listing of calibration components, connectors, and their command parameters.
Selects the load type broadband/sliding for calibration on the indicated channel. Outputs the load type selection broadband/sliding for calibration on the indicated channel.
Cmd Parameters
<char> FIXed | SLIDing
Query Parameters
<char> FIX | SLID
Default Value
Syntax Example
:SENSe{1-16}:CORRection:COLLect:PORT <char>
Sets the calibration port for a RESP1 or FULL1 calibration on the indicated channel. The use of Port 3 and/or Port 4 requires a 4-port VNA instrument. Queries the calibration ports or port pairs on the indicated channel. The command outputs character data for the port combinations. Several examples of various calibration setups are described in the subsections below.
Reflection Frequency Response Calibration
A Reflection Frequency Response Calibration can have up to four reflection frequency response calibrations in one session.
Transmission Frequency Response Calibration
A Transmission Frequency Response Calibration can have up to six transmission frequency response calibrations picked from these types: TFRF, TFRR and TFRB.
One-Port Calibration
A 1-Port Calibration can consist of up to four, FULL1 calibrations in one session.
Two-Port Calibration
A 2-Port Calibration can consist of one or two calibrations picked from the following types:
• FULL2, 1P2PF, and 1P2PR.
• The port pair assignments must be independent.
• The Calibration Methods can be Reflection and Thru measurements, AutoCal and LRL/LRM. PORT12 and PORT34 are excluded from LRL/LRM calibrations.
• Both Reflection and Thru measurements and AutoCal can provide FULL2, 1P2PF, and 1P2PR. LRL/LRM calibrations provides FULL2 only.
Three-Port Calibration
A 3-Port Calibration can be accomplished using one of the following techniques:
• Reflection and Thru measurements or two LRL/LRM calibrations.
• PORT12 and PORT34 are excluded from LRL/LRM calibrations.
Four-Port Calibration
A 4-Port Calibration can be accomplished using one of the following techniques:
• Reflection and Thru measurements.
• Two LRL/LRM calibrations
• Two FULL2 AutoCal calibrations.
• PORT12 and PORT34 are excluded from LRL/LRM calibrations.
Selects 1-Port Response Calibration as the calibration type on the indicated channel. No query. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. Before sending this command, the simulation port must be specified using:
Selects 1-port Response Calibration on both ports as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Selects transmission frequency response calibration both directions as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Selects transmission frequency response calibration forward direction as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Selects transmission frequency response calibration reverse direction as the calibration type on the indicated channel. After the method is set, the calibration must be performed. No query. To query the state of this command, use:
Query only. Outputs the calibration types of the indicated channel. Several examples of various calibration setups are described below.
Reflection Frequency Response Calibration
A Reflection Frequency Response Calibration can have up to four reflection frequency response calibrations in one session. The following is a return for the calibration type query for a response calibration on ports 2, 3 and 4:
Transmission Frequency Response Calibration
A Transmission Frequency Response Calibration can have up to six transmission frequency response calibrations picked from these types: TFRF, TFRR and TFRB. The following is the return for the calibration type query for a mix of transmission response calibrations on all possible port pairs:
One-Port Calibration
A 1-Port Calibration can consist of up to four, FULL1 calibrations in one session. The following is a return for the calibration type query for a FULL1 calibration on PORT134:
Two-Port Calibration
A 2-Port Calibration can consist of one or two calibrations picked from the following types: FULL2, 1P2PF, and 1P2PR. The port pair assignments must be independent. The Calibration Methods can be Reflection and Thru measurements, AutoCal and LRL/LRM. PORT12 and PORT34 are excluded from LRL/LRM calibrations. Both Reflection and Thru measurements and AutoCal can provide FULL2, 1P2PF, and 1P2PR. LRL/LRM calibrations provides FULL2 only. The following is a typical return for the calibration type query:
Three-Port Calibration
A 3-Port Calibration can be accomplished using either Reflection and Thru measurements or two LRL/LRM calibrations. PORT12 and PORT34 are excluded from LRL/LRM calibrations. The following is a return for the calibration type query for each technique:
Four-Port Calibration
A 4-Port Calibration can be accomplished using Reflection and Thru measurements, two LRL/LRM calibrations, or two FULL2 AutoCal calibrations. PORT12 and PORT34 are excluded from LRL/LRM calibrations. The following is a typical return for the calibration type query for each technique:
Response Calibration Both and Full Calibration Both
The RESPB and FULLB calibration types return the command arguments shown below:
Set of Query Calibration Ports
Use the following commands to set or query the calibration ports: