. (Decimal) Key 3-9
+/- (Plus/Minus) Key 3-9
10 MHz In 3-18
10 MHz Out 3-18
100,000 Points 1-2, 4-43
25,000 Points 1-2, 4-43
a1 Access Loop 3-24
a2 Access Loop 3-24
AC Power Entry Module 2-3
AC Power Rocker Switch 2-3
Additional Drive C-3
airflow 2-2
altitude, operating 2-2
Analog In 2 3-21
Contacting 1-1
Product Information 1-1
Anritsu Part Numbers
MS4642B VNA 1-3
MS4644B VNA 1-3
MS4645B VNA 1-3
MS4647B VNA 1-3
Antivirus Protection 1-9
APPLICATION Drop-Down Menu 4-15
Application Icon 4-22
Application Key 4-7
AutoCal modules 1-4
Auto-Return Button Group 4-36
Average Icon 4-22
Average Key 3-6, 4-7
b1 Access Loop 3-24
b2 Access Loop 3-24
Back Button 4-32
Backspace / Delete Key 3-9
Bias Fuse Port 1 3-23
Bias Fuse Port 2 3-23
Bias Fuse Replacement C-8
Bias Input Port 1 Connector 3-22
Bias Input Port 2 Connector 3-22
Button Selection Groups 4-35
Button Selection Icon 4-34
CALIBRATION Drop-Down Menu 4-15
Calibration Icon 4-22
Calibration Key 3-5, 4-7
Calibration Kits 1-4
Calibration Verification Interval 2-19
Ch->Max Icon 4-22
Ch->Next Icon 4-22
Ch->Prev Icon 4-22
Channel Display 4-5
CHANNEL Drop-Down Menu 4-12
Channel Icon 4-23
Channel Key 3-7, 4-7
Channel Status Bar Abbreviations 4-42
Channel Status Display 4-42
Chassis Grounding Port 3-4
Clear/Tab Key 3-9
Completion Checkmark Button 4-37
Complex Impedance 4-47
Configuring TCP/IP Ethernet 2-18
Connecting External Devices 2-2
Connectors 3-2
Contacting Anritsu 1-1
Continue Icon 4-23
cooling, during operation 2-2
Custom Icon 4-23
Dedicated GPIB Port 2-9, 3-20
default GPIB addresses 2-12
Dialog Boxes 4-37
Digit Keys 3-9
Dimensions C-9
Display Areas 4-2
Display Icon 4-24
Display Key 3-7, 4-7
Document Part Numbers 1-5
Down Arrow Key 3-8
DRAM and Flash Memory C-1
Enter Key 3-9
Environment 2-2
storage C-9
Ethernet 1-3, 2-16
Ext ALC 3-16
Ext Analog Out 3-16
Ext Trigger 3-21
External Devices 2-6
External Fuses C-7
External I/O Port 3-19
External Source 1 = 4 2-12
External Source 2 = 5 2-12
External Source 3 = 2 2-12
External Source 4 = 3 2-12
External XGA/VGA Monitor 2-7
FILE Drop-Down Menu 4-10
File Icon 4-24
File Key 3-5, 4-7
Freq Icon 4-24
Frequency Blanking 4-66
Frequency Counter = 7 2-12
Frequency Key 3-6, 4-7
Front Panel 3-1
front panel buttons 1-3
Fuse Maintenance C-7
GPIB 1-3
GPIB Address 2-15
GPIB Address, Configuring 2-15
GPIB interface cable 2-9
GPIB Port 3-20
GPIB Setup 2-9
green Operate LED 2-3
Group Delay 4-47, 4-50
Group Delay Graphs 4-60
Hard Keys 3-2
HELP Drop-Down Menu 4-19
Help Icon 4-24
Help Key 3-5, 4-7
Hold Icon 4-24
Home Button 4-32
HP/Agilent 8510x 2-19
humidity, operating 2-2
Icon Toolbar 4-21
Icon Toolbar Functions 4-21
IEC C14 AC Power Socket (m) 2-3
IEEE 488.2 General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) 1-3
IEEE 488.2 GPIB Port 2-14, 3-20
Imaginary 4-48
Impedance 4-48
Initial Inspection 2-1
Input/Outputs a1 IF 3-17
Input/Outputs a2 IF 3-17
Input/Outputs b1 IF 3-17
Inspection 2-1
Installation 2-1
installation category 2-2
Instrument Status 4-40
Instrument Status Display Abbreviations 4-41
Internal Drive C-1
Internal Fuses C-7
Keyboard 2-6
Keyboard PS/2 Port 3-22
Calibration 3-5
Standby/Operate 3-4
LAN Ethernet Port 3-22
LED 2-3
Left Arrow Key 3-8
Lightning 2-19
Limit Lines 4-65
Linear Mag 4-48
Linear Magnitude and Phase 4-49
Lock Status 3-21
Log Mag 4-47
Log Magnitude and Phase 4-49
Log Polar 4-48
Main Screen 4-1
Maintaining Operating System Integrity 1-9
Maintenance C-7
Manual Updates 1-1
Marker Icon 4-25
Marker Key 3-7, 4-7
Marker-> Pk Rt Icon 4-25
Marker->Max Icon 4-24
Marker->Min Icon 4-24
Marker->Off 4-25
Marker->Peak Icon 4-25
Marker->Pk Lft Icon 4-25
MEASUREMENT Drop-Down Menu 4-15
Measurement Icon 4-25
Measurement Key 4-7
Menu Bar 4-8
Menu Bar Drop-Down Menus 4-9
Menu Navigation Buttons 4-32
MN4694B Test Set 2-12
MN4797B Test Set 2-12
Models 1-3
Monitor 2-7
Mouse 2-6
mouse 1-3
Mouse PS/2 Port 3-22
Multiple Channel User Interface 4-4
Multiport Test Set = 16 2-12
Native 2-19
Navigation 1-8
Next Button 4-32
Number of Points 4-43
Operate Mode 2-4
Operating Environment 2-9
Operating System Integrity 1-9
Optional Icon Toolbar Functions 4-21
Options 1-3
orange Standby LED 2-3
Other VectorStar Documentation 1-5
Peripherals 2-8
Phase 4-48
Phase and Magnitude 4-47
phase, of power supply 2-2
Plug-and-Play 2-16
Polar Graphs 4-60
Grounding 3-4
Port 1 Src Loop 3-24
Port 2 Src Loop 3-24
Power Graphs 4-62
Power Icon 4-25
Power In 4-50
Power Key 3-6, 4-7
Power Meter = 13 2-12
Power Meter = 15 2-12
Power Meter = 17 2-12
Power Meter = 18 2-12
Power Out 4-50
Power Requirements 2-2
Power Socket 2-3
Power-On/Power-Off Procedure 2-3
Preparation for Use 2-1
Preset Icon 4-26
Preset Key 3-6, 4-7
Previous 1-8
Print Icon 4-26
Printer 2-8
Product Information 1-1
PS/2 Port 3-22
Rack Mount Installation C-4
Ready for Trigger 3-21
Real 4-48
Real and Imaginary 4-47, 4-49
Rear Panel 2-7, 3-1
Rear Panel Ports and Connectors 3-12
Receive - Port 1 3-10
Receive - Port 2 3-11
Recovery C-2
Rectilinear Paired Graphs 4-57
Rectilinear Single Graph 4-54
Reference Lines 4-64
Reference Position 4-64
Related VectorStar Documentation 1-5
Remote Language 2-19
Response Icon 4-26
Response Key 3-7, 4-7
RJ-45 Ethernet Port 2-17
Rotary Knob 3-8
Scale Icon 4-26
Scale Key 3-7, 4-7
Security Concerns for Memory 1-8
Select Key 3-8
Serial Port 3-16
Shipment C-9
shipping instrument C-9
Smith (G + jB) 4-49
Smith (R + jX) 4-49
Smith Charts 4-58
Solid State Drive (SSD) C-1
Source - Port 1 3-10, 3-11
Splash Screen 2-5
Standby Mode 2-4
standby mode 2-5
Standby/Operate Key 3-4
Standby/Operate key 2-3
Startup Splash Screen 2-5
Storage C-9
storage environment C-9
Sweep Icon 4-26
Sweep Key 3-6, 4-7
SWR 4-48
System Icon 4-26
System Identification 1-4
System Key 3-5, 4-7
temperature, operating 2-2
Test - Port 1 3-10
Test - Port 2 3-11
Test Port 1 3-10
Test Port 2 3-11
time, warm-up 2-4
Toolbar 4-34
Touch Screen 3-1
touch screen 1-3
Tr->Max Icon 4-27
Tr->Next Icon 4-27
TRACE Drop-Down Menu 4-13
Trace Icon 4-27
Trace Key 3-7, 4-7
Trace Label Abbreviations 4-51, 4-52
Traces 4-6
Trigger Out 3-21
Unpacking the Product 2-1
Up Arrow Key 3-8
Updated Manuals 1-1
Updates 1-9
USB 2.0 Type A Ports 2-7
USB 2.0 Type A ports 2-17
USB keyboard 1-3
USB Peripherals 2-8
USB Ports 3-11
USB Setup 2-16
USB Type 2 Port 2-17
User Input 1-8
User Interface Navigation 1-8
ventilation 2-2
Verification Kits 1-5
Video Port 3-15
VNA models 1-3
voltage, of power supply 2-2
Warm-up Time 2-4
warm-up time 2-4
Web Links
Contact 1-1
Product Page 1-1, 1-5
Windows Updates 1-9
XGA/VGA Video Port 3-15